Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Das ganze Jahr hindurch finden auf Vancouver Island viele erlebenswerte Veranstaltungen und Konzerte statt. Unsere Liste informiert Sie über aktuelle Veranstaltungen, Konzerte und Unternehmungen auf Vanisle und den Gulf Islands.

Unsere Liste basiert auf der Annual Events Liste von Tourism Vancouver Island.


Maple Sugar Festival, Nanaimo
Französisch-Kanadische Traditionen erwachen zum Leben während der 5 Tage des Maple Sugar Festivals. Musik, Tanz, Geschichtenerzähler, viele Vorführungen und Gaumenfreuden (im Beban Park) werden geboten.
Maple Sugar Festival Nanaimo

Drachen Boot Festival, Nanaimo
Das „Save On Foods“ gesponserte Drachen Boot Festival findet seit July 2003 jährlich fest und wird von der Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society organisiert. Veranstaltungsort ist das Nanaimo Hafengebiet, Maffeo Sutton Park und Pioneer Plaza. Drachen Boot Festival Nanaimo

Pacific Rim Whale Festival, Ucluelet / Tofino
Feiern Sie mit bei den Festivitäten zur Frühjahrsmigration der Grauwale von ihren Paarungsründen und „Kinderstuben“ der Lagunen vor der mexikanischen Baja Halbinsel zu den nahrungsreichen Gewässern der Bering- und Chukchisee nahe der Arktis. Anegnommen wird, dass ca. 22.000 Grauwale sich im Frühjahr und wieder im Herbst auf die rund 16.000 km lane Reise machen. Gefeiert wird das Pacific Rim Festival mit tälchen Events, Konzerten und lehrreichen Aktivitäten und Spielen rund um die grauen Riesen. Whale Watching Touren zu Fuss entlang der Küste und mit Booten werden angeboten. Pacific Rim Whale Festival

Worte auf dem Wasser, Campbell River
Das Words on the Water (Worte auf dem Wasser) Wochenende ist eine Präsentation der zeitgenössischen West Coast Schriftstellern. Die Autoren Kurzlesungen vor. Das Festival findet im Maritime Heritage Center statt.
Words on the Water, Campbell River

Brant Festival, Parksville / Qualicum Beach
Ein Festival der Natur, Kunst und Freizeitaktivitäten mit über 20 Events, einer Outdoor Messe, Shows und Wettbewerben bringt Natur und Menschen um das vielfältige Wildtierhabitat der Küste zu feiern. Besonderes Highlight ist das Zusammentreffen des Festivals mit der Miration von über 20.000 Pacific Black Brant Gänsen.
Brant Festival, Parksville

Silva Bay Holzboot Stapellauf and Maritimes Festival, Gabriola Island
Zum Ende des Semesters der Silva Bay Bootsbauer Schule & Werft steht der Stapellauf der Bootsbauprojekte der Bootsbauschüler an. Gefeiert wird mit Schiffsbesichtigungen, informativen Workshops, live Musik und Entertainment und der Graduation Zeremonie für die Schüler des Abschlussjahres.
Silver Bay Marina & Wooden Boat Launch, Gabriola Island

Dancing Man Festival, Gabriola Island
Zwei Wochen voller Folk, Rock, Blues und Country Musik … und jede Menge Spass!
Dancing Man, Gabriola Island

Annual Shorebird Festival, Tofino – erfahren Sie mehr über die jährliche Migration tausender Küstenwandervögel entlang der Küste Vancouver Islands. Vorträge, Dia Shows, Vogelbeobachter Events und viele weitere Aktivitäten werden angeboten.

Vancouver Island Festival für das junge Publikum, Nanaimo

Entertainer aus der ganzen Welt unterhalten Kinder, Jugendliche und alle Jungebliebenen an zahlreichen Veranstaltungsorten im Stadtzentrum.
Festival für Kinder, Nanaimo

Edge to Edge Marathon, Ucluelet / Tofino
Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung der West Küste und laufen Sie die volle Marathon Distanz zwischen Tofino & Ucluelet. Diese einzigartige Strecke führt Sie durch die traumhafte Landschaft des Pacific Rim National Park.
Marathon Lauf von Tofino nach Ucluelet

Annual JazzFest International, Victoria
Ten hot days and nights of the coolest music in town. Over 300 regional, national, and international musicians perform jazz, blues, and world music.

Sidney Days, Sidney
A weekend of celebration including music, sidewalk sales, parade, beer garden, community dinner, fireworks and more.

Annual ICA Folkfest, Victoria
Victoria’s premiere and longest-running multi-cultural arts festival. Nine days of music, dance, theatre, and food from around the world.

Chemainus Daze, Chemainus
Famous pancake breakfast, parade and family fun.

Dragon Boat Festival, Nanaimo
Exciting competition of colourful dragon boats.

Filomi Days, Port Hardy
Once a year, Port Hardy holds a celebration in Rotary Park on the third weekend of July to acknowledge its natural resource based economy. The three syllables, Fi, Lo and Mi, stand for „Fishing, Logging and Mining“. The celebration includes festivities in the park such as activities for children, fundraising concessions, entertainment, beer gardens, a dunk-tank, balloons, bake sales, craft sales, and fireworks. A dance for each age group and a parade are also held on Filomi Days weekend.

Pacific Rim Summer Festival, Tofino
A festival of music, dance and the arts, presented in the spectacular setting of the west coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian and international musicians perform chamber and world music.

Nanaimo Marine Festival, Nanaimo
Kids’ treasure hunt, beer gardens, sail past parade, Vancouver Island’s biggest summertime fireworks display, and much more.

Ukee Days, Ucluelet
Salmon and oyster barbecues, Whiskey Dock Run, kids’ games, live entertainment, exhibits, logger sports, music, and many other activities

The Hornby Festival of the Arts, Hornby Island
Nine-day festival presenting twelve to sixteen amazing concerts. Venues include the Community Hall, or outdoors with a forest or sea backdrop.

Parksville Beach Festival, Parksville Beach
Three weeks of family beach fun featuring the Canadian Open Sand Sculpting Competition and evening entertainment.


Annual Accordion Festival, Chemainus
Entertainment, workshops, and accordions

Annual Garden Quilt Show, Duncan
More than 250 entries and growing. Crafters, artisans, and musicians participate in this popular event.

Annual Music Festival, Nanoose Bay
Get your tickets early. Last year’s festival was sold-out show!

Annual Kidfest, Parksville
Kids’ sandcastle competitions, storytellers, entertainers, and much more. A great family day on the beach.

Annual Classic Car Show’n Shine, Chemainus
Over 100 classic and vintage cars plus music and entertainment.

Victoria Fringe Festival, Victoria
Eleven days of independently produced alternative theatre.

Vancouver Island Blues Bash, Victoria
Annual blues festival

Cowichan Wine & Culinary Festival, Cowichan Valley
Events at local vineyards, wine train, grape stomp, wine auction, and dance

Adventure Games, Nanaimo
Multiple adventure sporting event includes street luge, mountain bikes, BMX box jumping, fastest man/woman, 5K run, and a wife-carrying competition.

Annual Gabriola Island Thanksgiving Gallery and Studio Tour, Gabriola Island
Free, self-guided tour featuring over 90 professional artists and craftspeople living and working on Gabriola Island. Studios are open 10 to 4 for the Saturday through Monday of the Thanksgiving weekend

Annual Royal Victoria Marathon, Victoria
Listed as one of the top ten destination marathons by Runner’s World Magazine.

Sidney Fine Art Show, Sidney
Each year the high quality and variety of the art at this show attract collectors, artists, and art lovers from across the Pacific Northwest.

Clayoquot Oyster Festival, Tofino
The Clayoquot Festival of Oysters and the Sea is a celebration of the abundance and beauty of the sea. In Clayoquot Sound, oysters give us lots to celebrate about.

Festival of Lights, Ladysmith
Christmas light festival in beautiful historic downtown Ladysmith. Light up Ceremony includes entertainment, concessions, fireworks, Santa, and parade. From the last Thursday in November until the first Sunday in January, Ladysmith comes alive with over 100,000 shimmering lights.

Milner Christmas Magic, Qualicum Beach
See the gardens adorned with beautiful lights, enjoy the musical talents of local musicians, and sample the sweet treats in the tearoom.

Chemainus Christmas Festival of Angels Lights Up, Chemainus
The town and Waterwheel Park light up for the holiday season. Parade, carolers, treats, entertainment, children’s events, and more.

Festival of Trees, Nanaimo
Choose your favourite tree at this popular long-running holiday event. Highlights include a dazzling display of Christmas lights, decorations, and trees – many of which will be raffled off at the Festival.

Harbour Lights Festival, Ucluelet
Celebrate the Christmas season West Coast style! Carol ship sailpast, craft fair, and Christmas by the Sea – a decorating and lighting show.

Christmas at The Butchart Gardens, Victoria
Tens of thousands of lights, strolling carolers, children’s entertainers, the Festive Brass band, and fabulous food. Experience the open air real ice skating rink, and the 12 days of Christmas display throughout the gardens.

Milner Christmas Magic, Qualicum Beach
See the gardens adorned with beautiful lights, enjoy the musical talents of local musicians, and sample the sweet treats in the tearoom. The garden is a sensuous delight. Old growth Douglas firs and cedars frame breathtaking views of the Strait of Georgia. The garden lawns slope gently to meet a precipitous bluff which plunges to the beach below.

Sidney Christmas Writers’ Festival, Sidney
This festival will showcase novelists, humorists, journalists, poets, storytellers and non-fiction writers. The Festival has events for Children, Young Adults and people of all ages–and some of the writers will be doing things outside our expectations.

Christmas at Craigdarroch Castle, Victoria
Craigdarroch Castle is a beautiful historic Victorian-era mansion, built in the 1890s by wealthy BC coal baron Robert Dunsmuir. It is now owned by the Craigdarroch Castle Historical Museum Society and almost totally funded by its 150,000 annual visitors. Visit during the Christmas season and experience music, theatre, children’s entertainment and more at Craigdorroch Castle.